Payment Information

School Meals Payment Information

The Hatboro-Horsham Food Service Department is equipped with a computerized Point of Sale (POS) system.  The POS system aids the Food Service Department in meeting the State and Federal guidelines more effectively, reduces the possibility lost or stolen money and provides documentation of the child's participation in the school meal program. Students are given a PIN number to use in order to access their account. It is very important for students to keep their number confidential. Under no circumstances should a PIN number be shared. 

This system also gives parents the advantage of purchasing as many meals in advance as they would like, eliminates the hassle of remembering to send money every day.  Pre-paying is the perfect way to be sure that breakfast/lunch money is used for the purpose it was intended.

Credit Card Payment

To make a credit card payment, Visit My School Bucks Webpage  to set up your account and to make a payment. Payments made will be posted the following day.  Once your account is set up you can go into your child's account to check his/her balance and purchases.

If you do not wish to participate in this program, the cafeteria will accept cash  or a check made out to HH food service on a daily basis. For elementary age students we recommend putting the cash or check in an envelope and writing your child's full name and "LUNCH MONEY" on the front. These envelopes are collected in homeroom every morning and taken to the cafeteria where the food services staff will apply the funds to your child's meal account. The Food Service staff is compassionate with the fact that students may loose or forget their money. Parents may want to consider depositing $5.00 in their child's account for this reason. An automated phone message will notify parents of a negative student account balance. 

Account balances are rolled forward from year to year and building to building until the student graduates. If a student moves from the district, a refund will be made to the parent/guardian provided the Food Service Department receives a forwarding address for the family.