Summer Food Information
The Hatboro-Horsham School District will be offering free meals this summer at the following locations:
Blair Mill Elementary from June 23rd- July 19th.
Breakfast will be offered from 8:30-9:30am and Lunch will be offered from 11-12:30 pm
Crooked Billet Elementary from June 23rd- August 23rd.
Breakfast will be offered from 8-9:30am and Lunch will be offered from 11-1:30 pm
The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires all School Food Authorities (SFAs) to inform families about the availability and location of free meals for students over the summer months through the Summer Food Service Program. This is required even if the SFA is not participating in the Summer Meals Program.
The LEA may fufill the requirement of notifying the community of locations of summer meal sites through one of the methods listed below. This may be accomplished through phone calls, flyers or other methods such as, posting on the SFA's website.
Schools or families can use any of the following methods to locate sites that serve free meals to children during the summer:
Call 211
Call 1.866.3HUNGRY or 1.866.8HAMBRE
Text "MEALPA" to 877877 during the summer months
Visit U.S Department of Agriculture Website (note, this replaces the website)
Use the site locator for smartphones-
For additional information about the Summer Food Service Program, please Email Mary Ringenberg or (717)-783-6501